DADSS Research Program
Inventing a world without drunk driving.
First Generation Technology Announcement

DADSS Technology:
First Generation
Release In Brief
The Announcement

The Technology

ACTS has established an open licensing process for all of the DADSS intellectual property needed to practice the technology. ACTS licenses DADSS intellectual property that can be developed into commercial products, rather than selling the products itself. “Open licensing” means the technology will be made available, on the same terms, to any product integrator interested in installing the technology into their products or vehicles. Click here for more information on licensing.

Senseair AB is the innovator, developer and manufacturer of the sensor technology. The company is a leading global provider of air and gas sensing technology that develops and produces the small and cost-efficient high-precision, low-power sensors for high-volume production. It is based in Sweden, with over 25 years’ experience in the field of infrared gas measurement technology. Senseair is part of the AsahiKASEI Corporation. Learn more about Senseair here.

Social Impact
Each year in America, drunk driving claims approximately 10,000 lives and costs the U.S. approximately $194 billion. If driver BACs can be limited to less than 0.08% percent – the legal limit in all 50 states except Utah – more than 9,400 lives could be saved annually.*